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Average traffic per subscriber

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  • #43797

    From GSM point, traffic is calculated in erlang but my finance dept are using call minutes. How do you translate erlang traffic to financial terms?


    Hi Portia,

    If you’re familiar with the erlang formula, then that should be easy.

    Let E = traffic in erlang,
    N =No. of calls
    MHT = mean holding time in minutes (avg call minutes)

    Then E = N*MHT/60

    To translate erlang into financial terms( aka money), you need to know the no. of calls and the mean holding time for each call. The product of these, multiplied by your tariff per minute gives you your total revenue for that hour.

    From the formula above,

    N*MHT = 60*E


    Revenue =60*E*tariff

    This gives you revenue for the hour. You can aggregate this to give you revenue per day, week, month, etc.

    Note that the no. of calls (N) in this case refers to answered calls. Also, this calculation will give you an approximate figure.




    Thanks sheldon. I iscovered that the finance use te total minutes generated per month divided by the total number of suscribers(not instant active suscribers but the estimated total number).

    This i believe is wrong but it does give a rough estimate of revenue per month.

    since this TCH traffic is data and voice only, its not the exact piture of the total revenue generated in the whole network.



    Hi Portia,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Well, if you can find the total no. of call minutes generated per minute, then you can easily find the revenue by multiplying it by your tariff. Once you know the total minutes for all calls, I don’t see why you need to divide it by the total no. of subscribers.

    Concerning the calculation with traffic, I was just answering your question, which was “how to translate erlang into financial terms”. You can easily factor in data revenue (GPRS/EDGE), if you know the charging method.

    Anyway, I’m glad you got your answers.




    How do I calculate revenue from the traffic in Erlang.

    Erlang to revenue


    Hi Sheldon,

    I’ve used your formula below and compare that with our revenue for both prepaid and postpaid. However, there are huge variance between calculated revenue using Erlang and actual revenue in billing system.

    I wonder,if you can give example and prove that your way of calculating estimated revenue.


    There is something else : the billed miunutes are only the ones related to Mobile originated calls !
    If there is roughly 40% MOC in a network, and if there is 100,000 erlang per day in this network…

    it means only 40,000 erlangs will be charged.
    –> and that’s assuming the call duration for MOC and MTC is the same ! which is not true !
    –> and also, you must substract the average duration of the alerting phase.. let’s say 6 seconds/call, while the call lasts 60sec in average. That’s -10%…
    In the end, the figure should be max. 36,000 and min. 25,000 erlangs per day. You can approximate and take one-third of the total erlang…

    Multiply this by “60* rate per min”, as sheldon explained.

    Formula becomes:
    Revenues = 60*rate/min*(0.3*Erl)

    Does it give better results?

    sreedhar chalumuri

    how do you calculate sub per site? what is the formulae used?



    you can use maybe the indicator sdcch requests for MOC wich tells how many percent of calls were MOC. And use that percentage for calculation of:
    Revenue=60*(sdcch_req_MOC% * E)* tariff.
    sdcch_req_MOC%=sdcch_req_MOC/(sdcch_allrequests-sdcch_imsi_detach-sdcch_LU-sdcch_sms-sdcch_mobile_terminated-sdcch_other). It gives you aproximate value of originated calls.


    how do i calculate network traffic, and busy hour traffic? from the networks statistical data, i get seizure values. i thought seizures represent the traffic, but anytime i present these values, the recipient of the report says they are wrong. is there a way of calculating network traffic and busy hour traffic?


    Hi tnanor,
    Sezirus are not traffic,
    traffic is seizures multiplied by MHT (Meen holding time)

    Erl = Seizures*MHT/T

    T – observation period,
    the periodicity of your data (1 hour/ 15 min/ 5 min etc.)


    am using drive test mechanism for evaluating cellular network performance interms of % of dropped calls, how can I determine a representative sample size that would accurately represent network performance.


    Iam using tch traffic(erl) from BSC and divide by online vlr subscribers usually it is around 21 to 30 merl
    Is it ok
    One more question i have read about MOU and some operator has MOU per subscribers per month =800 how i can calculate this MOU

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