Hi Boko
you almost right, BUT There is a possibility to integrate HO based on quality… inner >> complete OR ol >> ul . By two ways:
1) Bad quality urgency HO, from BTS point of view (UL quality) (not the considered DL QU reported by MS), & you can prohibit it for certain area (cell center) by BQOFFSET.
2) HO due to consecutive intra QU HO at inner, SO when threshold consecutive intra HO detected >>>>> HO to complete.
It depends on the function & facilities provided by your locating algorithm.
Can you specify the vendors which have such algorithms as Siemens do not have such. I consider writing a change request for this and it will be very helpful for me if I have some knowedge about other vendors algorithms
#use the default parameter provided by your vendor for (multi band consentric featura CBCCH).(band-threshold, band-hyst, neighbor list,band periority,HCS & C2,…etc)
#chek HW (syncronization).
#chek your SDCCH dimensioning on 900 band.
We also recently shifted to CBCCH and found that call drop rate is increasing post CBCCH implementation. Presently we are verifying the physical antenna specification for 1800 and 900 bts so that rf enviroment should be similar to both layers. We have observed that after CBCCH traffic is shifted to GSM layer to DCS layer. As we had better RF enviroment for DCS than GSM this can be one of the reason. Though we are also in process of anaysis of core reason of CDR increase