I’m a student at DeVry majoring in telecommunications.
We’re doing a project on PBX-we have to select a PBX or hybrid system. We have to include manufacturer, model number, optional equipment/software, and cost (equipment and monthly service cost) of trunks or lines. Our problem is this:
A product distributor has a central administrative office in Chicago, and a Tech support/Sales & Marketing division in Naperville,IL. The main office has 250 employees, while Naperville has 85. There are two distinct traffic patterns to consider. Each location has connections to the world via the PSTN, as well as to the other location.
Here are the traffic measurements: Chicago to Naperville= 5.8 Erlangs (P.02) Naperville to Chicago=16.4 E (P.02) Chicago to world=38.2 E inboud at p.01, and 22.3E outbound at P.02 Naperville to world=40.3E inbound at P.01, and 10.2E outbound at P.02 Can you provide some insight for us?
Much appreciated,
Katie Kerkstra