When we talk about FER,ie Frame Erasure Rate then which frame we are referring to?
Is it the TDMA frame of 4.615 msec of GSm or a some different frame.
As the name a suggests a frame is erased. The question here why a frame gets erased. A frame is erased at the air interface only or it can be erased at any of GSM interfaces?
If the frame is erased at other interfaces of GSM then do we still have the same values in the drive test or different ones?
Also, if we have high values of FERs then apart from the causes what will be consequences of high FER’s?
Will the muting of speech is related to FER or not? If yes then does that means the FER affects only UL or DL at a time?
In the drive test I think the FER which we see corresponds to the DL channel only.( please correct)