EXCUSE ME – This is ( TEST SYSTEM) not a normal PRINT Command.
I think you are mixing up with normal PRINT Commands like ALLIP/DTSTP/STRSP.
At some times SYBUP (Not a Print-It is PUNCH ) is Dangerous.
TEST SYSTEM is always Dangerous in case of Live Network.
Why ?>>>>>
If vou want to trace B-No for a Particula Number.Then the only choice is tracing RE and Related Blocks like.REIAA/REIBA..OK..but when you are initiating these traces it wont give printout for the required numbers only.
It will try to print all the Call attmpts at REGISTER LEVEL at that time.In Test Networks…there will be few calls.That can be managed…ok.Just think that there are somewhere around 500 Call Attempts at a Second.
For Printing itself it will take more time.And TEST SYSTEM COMMANDS are HIGHER PRIORITY activity which may disturb your CP Badly.This may create confusion for other SUBSYSTEMS…”CHAIN REACTION”…at the end…your AXE May go for CYCLIC RESTART.
Do you want this to happen ?
Its easy to HARM Any Network but it is very hard to make it BACK inproper Operation.
This is not a DISCOURAGEMENT…but this is FACT.
Think abt it then…