About blown ports on Quintum:
I found some good protectors for the Quintum equipment:
Made by a company in California called Cylix, they are little boxes about the size of a small cigarrete box (the ones with 10 cigarretes).
They have one female RJ 11 plug on each end, such a way that you could plug them on the middle of the line fron the wall oulet to the Quintum.
They have a 18 inches long ground wire on the center, that I attached to a male electric plug, to get to the ground of the electric grid.
This boxes are incredible!!! I found them in pieces on the floor of the cabinet where I keeep my Quintum overseas, with the lid blown out by lighting, and after replacing the unit, the Quintum survived.
The only port that got damaged was because the local technician run out of boxes and put one of those in line “splicers” to put the line back together after a storm.
I just called the company to be sure that still exist, and aparently does.
Phone number on the US is 805 379-3155.
Part number is MTJ04B/RJ11.
I am not part of the company, not responsible for how much they charge!!!!!
Just a happy user of these little devils.
Wilson Boyrie