H323 Gateway
Primary GK Address =
Primary Auto Discovery = 0
Secondary GK Address =
Secondary Auto Discovery = 0
H.323 ID = tenorus
Register DN = Register as GW Prefixes(1)
Ignore Bandwidth in ACF = no(0)
Default H245 Tunneling = yes(1)
Round Trip Delay = 0
One Stage Dialing = 0
RRQ Interval = 0
H323 Interop Flags:
H225 GW Protocol = h323(0)
Do BRQ = 0
SlaveSessionId0 = 0
AllowFastStartOnly = No(0)
RRQv3plus= No(0)
ProgressInd Alert= No(0)
StartH245Flag= No(0)
Automatic Ext IP Update= No(0)
Do Lightweight RRQ = no(0)
Alex, this is the area of the Tenor where you setup the registration process to register to a external gatekeeper.
There is a selection where you set if you want the Tenor to register as a gateway or a gatekeeper.
To see this part of the configuration, from the main prompt, type “config”
when you are on the “config” prompt, type print.
The first command is:
config# h323gw
config h323gw# primarygkadd xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (replace “x” with the I.P address of the gatekeeper)
config h323gw# h323id xxxxxx (replace “x” with the h323 id to be used)
config h323gw# registerdn x (replace x with “0” if you want the Tenor not to register DN ‘s, put a “1” if you want the Tenor to register the DN ‘s on the gatekeeper.
config h323gw# ignorebw x (replace x with “0” or “1” depending if you want the tenor to ignore bandwith requests “1” will ignore requests, “0” will grant requests.
If you need the whole manual, with all the commands for the Quintum, write to mike3799@yahoo and I email you the file.
Please contact me offline, I have some questions of my own about Clarent.