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Performing a calculation

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To perform a calculation, click on the radio button representing the unknown quantity you want to to determine. This action will cause some data fields to change in appearance. The fields that turn white require an entry. The grey fields are used to display results.


If you have clicked a radio button in the top section (ie. Agents, calls or duration), there are three areas in the bottom section that appear to require entries. There are three edit boxes associated with Average delay of all calls and Percentage of calls answered. It is only necessary to enter the values into the edit boxes in one line of the bottom section.


For example, to work out the number of agents required for a given number and duration of calls, you could specify your performance requirements in one of the following ways:


entering an acceptable average delay that can be experienced by all calls
entering a percentage and a delay figure indicating that a certain percentage of calls must be presented to an agent by a given time.


To start the calculation, press the Calculate button. After a short time, the unknown figures will be displayed in the relevant edit boxes.


There is a minimum number of agents that MUST be provided in order to avoid an ever increasing queue length. If you make a calculation having entered a value lower than this minimum, you will see an error message.


See also


Displaying previous results

The Erlang C traffic model

The Erlang C variables

Minimum number of agents

Operational limits

Example calculations