MS in dedicated mode in outdoor cell, and moving towards the enterance of building where the IBS signal is -70 but the outdoor signal is still strong -65, please suggest the setting to make the HO to IBS cell.
similarly, for opposite case, if the MS in call inside the building on IBS cell, but present near the outer wall, where IBS cell is -70 but outdoor cell is stronger -65 pls suggest the settings to keep the ms to IBS cell and avoid HO.
in both vendors, i would suggest to make use of layers rather than trying to tune PBGT HO.
So tune
LAYER in ericsson (HCS)
HO cause 14 (umbrella to micro) or cause 21 (900 to 1800) in ALU
both are rather complex, so i can’t explain them on a forum. But if you read the docs, then that ought to point you in the right directions.
Moreover, I would say that what you want to do is not possible. In one case you want to go to the outdoor, and in second case, you want to stay in indoor. But both scenarios present identical radio conditions. It is not possible to distinguish them. The best idea IMO is to tune a very short window time in the Indoor, whatever the HO thresholds you use. The idea is to keep the call “alive”. You’d rather go to the outdoor by mistake than force the MS to stay too long in indoor. Minimize the risk of drops.
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