the thresholds in your network are insane…
in sector B – 60% UL Quality HO is very high. But number wise : 20 samples…
What does it mean ? That there were 20 Handovers per hour ? per day ? 20 is absolutely nothing, you should not be doing statistical analysis on 20 samples.
What is the target cell for those HO ?
Check the object “Adjacency” in NPO, Indicators> Matrix > Incoming Handover Requests & Attempts & Success. Please share those values with me.
Have you checked for “swapped feeders” ? But usually, the effect is on UL LEV HO % or DL LEV HO %. Not so much on the Quality.
Well, your problem is so small that I don’t think you should spend time on it 🙂 (but i’m not your manager, unfortunately) What is the RTCH Erlang BH for those two sectors ?