it is second :
If cyclic hopping (HSN = 0) is used, then the Half Rate channels use only half of
the frequencies defined in the MA-list in the hopping sequence, thus reducing the
benefit reached with hopping over all frequencies in an MA-list. With random
hopping the HR channels are hopping over all frequencies defined in the MA-list
thus getting the same profit from frequency hopping as FR channels.
my doubt is:what is te reson of it:
If cyclic hopping (HSN = 0) is used, then the Half Rate channels use only half of
the frequencies defined in the MA-list in the hopping sequence
Hi Jack,
now in hopping frequency is changed in every frame. while in HR the MS transmits on alternate frame while the other MS sharing the TS transmits on the other.
So in HR alternate frequency would be transmitted and for HSN=0 cyclic hopping when the MAL list has even no of frequencies then the one MS will Transmit only on the Odd frequencies and the other on even frequencies.
i wonder how many people have ever thought of this problem 🙂
more seriously, what are the pro’s of using cyclic hopping (HSN=0)? Everything I’ve read so far strongly recommend the use of random hopping (HSN>0), so when would an operator consider HSN=0 ?