Hi James,
From your request you have a collection of Ericsson Charging_System nodes: AIR/AF, EMM, SDP,
CCN/OCC, etc.. AIR/AF will be used to “point” to the SDP that holds the Account: Main Account (MA) and the
associated Dedicated Accounts (DA) / Composite Accounts that can be used for “Offers”.
With Charging_System, Rating is performed by the AIR and SDP machines. With AIR, Rating rules can be
implemented for Advanced “Top-Ups”. Depending on the configured business rules the Main Account / Dedicated
Account(s) can be updated.
I see that you are already using the PSO (32bits) flag and the Accumulators (used for Bonus offers) to trigger
an Event / Action. One thought is to see if you can use the SDP with a Notification message to your application. If a Top-Up is succesful you can use the ACK message with a ESB. This can then be used to trigger
your application.
USSD Top-Up–AIR/AF–SDP–Notification (ACK)–ESB–Application
Another approach is to use a combination of AIR and SDP Event_Data_Records with
Online and File / Event Mediation (EMM OLM / F-E).
VBR/ Wallis Dudhnath