These are E\\ terminologies. You can find further details in alex doc.
KHYST is the hysteresis for cell borders defined by the signal strength criterion (K-K borders), i.e. at low signal strength. It is defined as a cell to cell relation, i.e. in each cell it can be defined individually for each neighbour that has been defined for that cell. In the reverse direction, i.e. the opposite relation, KHYST obtains the same value and is thus a symmetrical relation parameter.
LHYST is the hysteresis for cell borders defined by the path loss criterion (L-L borders), i.e. at high signal strength. It is defined as a cell to cell relation and is a symmetrical relation parameter.
TRHYST is the hysteresis for a cell border that is defined by a K-L transition. It is defined as a cell to cell relation and is a symmetrical relation parameter.
KOFFSET is used to displace cell borders that are defined as signal strength criterion (K-K) borders. It is defined as a cell to cell relation, and is an antisymmetrical relation parameter, i.e. in the opposite relation, KOFFSET obtains the same absolute value but with opposite sign.
LOFFSET is used to displace cell borders that are defined as path loss criterion (L-L) borders. It is defined as a cell to cell relation and is an antisymmetrical relation parameter