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  • #54917

    Hi all..

    What will happen when….


    You have a 900 band TRX but you put a 1800 band carrier on it.
    Will there be any radiation from Antenna?


    Vice versa ..1800 TRX and you put 900 carrier over it this time.


    You have a 900 band signal. But you put it into the port(s) of 1800 at your TRI-band antenna.
    will there be any radition ??

    Some says that if you put a 900 signal into a 1800 antenna… it works fine but with a reduced coverage?? That is dangerous I think…




    case 1
    Impossible in alcatel systems, the TRX band gives the list of frequencies you can choose, during frequency allocation.

    case 2
    same thing

    case 3
    there will be radiations, but weaker. The pattern might eventually be modified as well.

    The dipoles of your antenna are the size of the wavelength / 2. So putting 900 into 1800 dipoles is possible : the dipoles are wavelength / 4 -> still proportional to the frequency.

    But the pattern will be modified accordingly, and I suspect the gain will be lessen (probably divided by 2, as far as i recall).

    And it is not dangerous. It is never dangerous 🙂 electomagnetic waves will always find a way to the air (“freedom !” i heard them say, sometimes), and they’re never going to blow up anything.

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