I have problem when our network Apply AMR feature after the implementation RX Quality(0~4) reduce 2% it is fine if this reduction occur or there is problem ?????
Rxquality is measured from drivetest or from statistics ?
it looks like a paradox indeed, but you should check the number of samples : maybe you have the same amount of samples within RXQUAL 0-4, and more samples with RXQUAL > 4 (compared to before). Therefore, the ratio is less favorable after AMR. Perhaps, before that, the samples > 4 were limited by the occurence of a drop. Thanks to AMR : no more drop, but the call is kept with a qual > 4.
It has to be analyzed, i’m not saying this is what is happening exactly. But you see how AMR can modify your average quality.
Rx Quality in both Statistic and drive test reduced let say if I’m doing the drive test with the same routes I think the measurement will be the same if there is no drop at Rx quality greater then 5 as we put for bad Quality indication for performing emergency HO.
thank you
i gave you all the explanations i could think of, time to do your homework now 🙂 drive tests, voice quality comparison AMR / non AMR, measurement reports, KPI analysis, etc…
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