Home » Topics » Telecom Design » MS R4
slim Guest
Hi all
Can anyone give me a reply to this question :
IS Nokia 6680 a 3GPP release 4 compliant MS?
Chris Guest
slim Guest
Does il support the feautures NACC and PSI in ALCATEL B9
paraHO Guest
Was NACC/PSI available in February 2004?
Nokia 6680 announced December 2004, official announcement 14 February 2005, supply to market March 2005
eGSM 850/900/1800/1900, WCDMA 2100
WAP 2.0
GPRS class 10
EGPRS (Class B, Multislot class 10)
paraHO Guest
Just look there does not appear to be a Rel 4 for NACC
paraHO Guest
I am referring to 3GPP TR 44901 which started at Rel 5….
This document does refer to a pre-Release 4 MS
slim Guest
Hi paraHO,
Thanks for your reply,
we need a really urgent confirmation if this mobile Nokia 6680 is a release 4 MS with geran feature package 1 or not?
looking through your previous answer , we can conclude that you are not really sure , No?
Thanks a lot
Pix Guest
you could contact Nokia directly (they have a discussion forum.. you could try posting there ?)
i’ve read there that the 6680 is a Rel4, but it doesn’t say about NACC/PSI support. I believe that a MS can be partially compliant to a realease. For instance, the BSS release can be only “partially compliant” to a certain 3GPP release.
So to be sure, you should contact Nokia…
paraHO Guest
Slim, you right, I am not certain. So I ask a friend who works with Nokia.
I told you need to identify the Firmware in the Nokia 6680 as Geran package was not added until Firmware Update MCU SW v5.04.07, which was April 2006.
My friend is usually reliable but to be safe (and double check) Slim I would email Nokia for confirmation OK 😉
slim Guest
please can you give me any contact in Nokia to help answer me?
paraHO Guest
Slim you need to find Nokia Office in your country or as Pix say go to
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