Does anyone use Interwave BSS in network? If yes, how to you define your performance KPIs.
It seems that no documentation is provided by supplier, only the raw stats is available in the OMC side but the performance counters definitions are somewhat unclear. Until now, we had to build our own formulas for CDR, TCH Block rate etc but we are not sure, maybe its wrong.
I have already worked with this BSS stystem from Interwave now known as Alvarion. their BSS system I did not remember the version we used but It was one of the worest systems I ever experienced even if your transmission have some BER you would see the worest case. their OMC-R was ok but their system was not so good. if their were some problem with the transmission between the BSC and BTS this can lead to stop the BSC works and the BTS has to take a long time to sync with the BSC again. Whenever we see the tranmission has some problem we cut the link so as to avoid the failure of the whole BSC since we have only one this would effect only a single BTS.
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