A party is in conversation with B party. During this time C party calls the B party and C listens the call waiting announcement.
Consider that all 3 subscribers are in the differnet MSC.
During this time,how many airinterface channels are seized by B party.
My question is will there be any assignment request from the B party BSC to the MSC for the new call waiting call??(hope u guys understand my question)
Call holding:-
When B party holds the ongoing call of A party and starts the conversation with C party, During this time how many channels are siezed?
Is there someone that can tell me or confirm if the signaling for Call Waiting go through SACCH.
If not what Logical CHannel is used for Call Waiting
Thank you very much
Thank you Pix for the answer,
it means that signaling can use as well TCH
I didn’t know that
If I take the example of an SMS,
SDCCH is used on Idle mode, and SACCH on Active mole. I believed that it was the same for the call waiting signaling (I believed that the signal that tell there is an other call go through SACCH) but it seems not.