I am doing some calculations for a CDMA2000 1x network. When I calculate the number of traffic channels available per carrier to get my Erlang capacity at 5%, how many channels do I have available per carrier?
I have seen everything from 33 to 36 traffic channels per carrier. What is the difference?
I have worked in GSM technology and now i m working in CDMA technology.I m bit new to it.This forum is very gud.bur here mostly is the discussion on GSM and on CDMA there r very few threads.
I wud b every greatful if anyone cu dtell me about the CDMA especially the netwrk designing/dimension calculation.
Hi James,
Ur traffic channel /carrier depnds on many factors like
1) Ur vocoder rate
2)voice activity factor
3) Sectorisation gain
4)efforadble Eb/No for ur system
Most of the operators are taking traffic channl per carrier as 36
Hi James !!!
Could you recomend to me interesting articles about your project??
I have to simulate data trafic for eg. web browser in CDMA so I need this kind of articles.