I’m doing audit on PBX traffic. How to tell, from Call Detail Records, that a trunk group is saturated. The system has no blocking factor defined when it was designed so a common sense is needed. Any suggestion?
Do the audit from the PABX? Not from the CDRs. The CDRs will only give you successful calls not attempted and failed. At least in a general sense they will not.
If the PBX doesn’t make some kind of Statistics (CDR with ANSWER and dropped CDR, with a cause), you could try to make a guess based on real traffic at peak hour. To do so, you have to proccess the CDRs with a simple program that registers the ocupation time of a given trunk, slicing the time (for instance) in minutes. If you do it with all the CDRs, you can have the ‘real’ erlangs minute by minute, around peak hours. With that info and the theorethical capacity of a trunk with B=0.5% (for instance), you might appreciate the ratio betweeen theory and reality. If the ratio approaches to 1, you could assume a loss of offered traffic, based on average figures.Hope this can help. rarcadi@hotmail.com
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