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how to fix FAS

  • This topic has 3 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 18 years ago by MikeM to Tim.
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    how to fix?

    MikeM to Tim


    If it is on a Quintum, try going to Quintum’s web site, go to the support pages, search for “answer supervision” and review the documentation there as 9 times out of 10 FAS is due to a mistake in the configuration for answer supervision.

    Mike M


    yes i had read that a few times now. and no results so far.

    by the way, here is my current config for the cas signaling group

    signaling type = loop start, reverse battery

    guard time = 0ms

    orientation = user/slave

    dtmf on = 120ms

    dtmf off = 120ms

    detect flash hook signal = 0

    dial mode = tone based

    called id detection = 0

    answer delay = 0s

    dial delay = 1000ms

    dial tone detect = 1

    silence based disconnect = 0 sec

    ring 12 delay = 4 sec

    tone based supervision = Answer & disconnect supervision

    disconnect supervision options = 5 on/off intervals per cadence cycle

    answer supervsion hold off time = 15sec

    is some thing not configured right? oh and theres 1 more thing, theres a problem also with the sending of the release. like when the called party is left to release the call, the quintum is not sending a release signal or a code of 16 to the originator. likewise when an invalid number is dialed in, the quintum does not send code 1 or 28. how can i set the configuration to send these codes to the other side? thank you very much mikeM

    MikeM to Tim


    I do not think that you read this document very carefully. If you had, you would have seen that the answer supervision (setting tonebasedsupervision to 2 or 3) will only work correctly if the signaling is loop start. You have this set for loop start with reverse battery. Therefore, as discussed in the document, the tenor will expect the PSTN connection to send a battery reversal for both answer and disconnect. I doubt that is what is happening.

    Change the signaling to loop start only, set the answer delay to 120.

    Please re-read the document as I am pretty sure it does talk about all of this.

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