I work for a large supermarket chain called Morris’s. We have 230 supermarkets in the north of england and 300 in the south, we want to integrate the networks together and hopefully provide VoIP on this network to, is this possible where do i start to develop this ?
When integrating VoIP what r the common problems and how r they resolved?
Can anyone point me in the right direction regarding producing a VoIP diagram that would support all these offices of Morris’s supermarkets, i have all the necessary details if soem one can help.
the largest concern is usually bandwidth. second would be management of devices in the system. email me at: gary@lookieloo.net and I’ll help you do a layout and send you more information that might help you better understand what needs to be done and what hardware you need.
good luck with a project that big.
I can help you with the VoIP part, but integrating networks ( data ) would not be something I would be able to handle..
Can anyone help with the Data and I could help with the VoIP?
Blue lava has undertaken many such projects and as such have many affiliate companies in both the IP and voice world as well as our own highly skilled engineering team. If you require some assistance on this project please do not hesitate to contact me.