I am planning to buy 2 cisco 837 router (= 8 voip port) for my internet shop, I just need to know what is the minimum bandwidth in reality required to function efficiently, I will be using dedicated link
I have being hearing that 8kbps is good but, I need somebody to tell me actual real bandwidth required per port so that call won’t be dropped and thus QoS will be the best in my area.
I understand that CODEC is a compression stuff,
Do I have to buy the CODEC or Does it come with the CISCO 837
Pls I just need a simple solution/non techie so that my customers will be happy
Not sure about the numbers, its only true if u use all 8 ports, and it depends upon which codec the 837 uses, and if it can support this same codec across all ports at the same time
EG the cisco ATA 186/8 cannot support the G729 codec on both ports at the same time, the second port switches to G711, hence ur bandwidth goes through the roof.
Oh codec is not a chip, it can be enables/embedded into a chip. It is basically software which is based on various algos which allow COpression/DECompression. This compression is all based upon the thery used to compress eg is it predictive etc etc
nuff said
prozac—living high
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