You must be a Cisco infiltrator. Just kidding. I am reading the manual and looks like you only get one codec for the whole machine. About tech prefixes it is not that clear.
I was wandering the same, if you need to pass some calls to a Cisco and others to a Quintum, how do you do that????
Anyone knows the answer?????
I do have the whole CLI manual for the Tenor. The file is about 3 mb . That is normally above what hotmail accounts could handle.
If you have a yahoo account and is partially empty, that will be alright.
Write to mike3799@yahoo and I will reply with a copy of the Quintum CLI manual.
Why Quintum does not post the manual on the web page is still a mistery for me.
Quintum will support multy codecs in same chassy/unit within month, as I have been informed.
In regards to Tech prefix, I am not sure. This question should be addressed to Quintum Sales/Tech directly.
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