I’m pretty new to VoIP, so I have one pretty basic question. Is it possible to write a forwarding server for VoIP, that would act almost like a mail server would? Where you’d connect to user@host and instead of forwarding an email to the user account, you’d forward a call to a specific internal IP address? I’m reading up on the SIP protocol, which seems to be what I need but I’m still pretty darn confused. Any help would be appreciated.
the answer is, it depends. Who is sending you the call? What protocol(s) are they using? What is your basic application?
Your question is not really basic since the forwarding mechanism will depend on the caller’s protocol of choice. Lets say its H.323 and you are using GKs, you can simply use a GK to match a specific E.164 address and respond with the corresponding IP address through LRQ.
If it is SIP, then you can create a proxy that will forward the invite to the proper IP. If MGCP, you would have to rely on the call agent’s forwarding mechanism.
That sounds pretty interesting. As you can tell I am just getting into VoIP so I wasn’t aware that the user has the choice of picking a protocol. It is supposed to strictly be IP. Sounds to be like a pain in the ass since there really isn’t a standard protocol to use. Thanks for the quick response.