Salary Structure Changed..
The information required is the following:
General salaries of people in a Call Center:
. Agent 8000 – 10000 P.M (Non Tech)
. Agent 10000 – 18000 P.M (Tech)
. Team Leader 15000 – 20000P.M (Non Tech)
. Team Leader 20000 – 25000P.M (Tech)
. Supervisor 25000 – 35000 P.M
no supervisor required these days.
. IT support ( Facility Management is usually available for 20000 – 25000 P.M
. Trainer 25000 – 30000 P.M
. Project Manager 30000 P.M ( Usually Campaign Manager )
. HR person 20000 – 30000 P.M
. Financial person ( Sr, Manager ) 30000-35000 P.M
. Clerical 12 – 15000 P.M
. Sales ( BDM ) 30 – 40000 P.M
All figures are Ball park + Pick up and Drop & Food on shift
. Churn rate per year 20% P.M
The cost of setting up a state of an art Facility in India ( On Rent ) with Minimum 48 Seats ( 2 T1’s ) is approx 6 Lacs INR Per Seat ( End to End ) with a moderate technology blend and 2 Months working Capital in place.