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The Ansapoint database

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All information entered and calculated by Ansapoint is stored in a database. This means that you do not need to save any data; all changes are saved as they are entered or calculated.


The database is in a hierarchical structure. At the lowest level are intervals, which can either be 15 minute, 30 minute or 60 minute periods. For each interval, the number of calls received in that interval or the number of agents available in that interval  is entered. For each interval, Ansapoint calculates the number of either the number of agents required or the number of calls that can be handled. The secondary calculations which are performed for each interval are the average speed to answer (ASA), the average queue length, the agent occupancy, the percentage of time that all agents are busy and the number of lines required and the average delay experienced by all callers.


Up to 24 hours can be assigned to a day, the next higher level of the database structure. All hours within a day are displayed in the Daily Calls Table and the Daily Chart. Ansapoint also allows you to recalculate all intervals within a day in one operation.


Days can be grouped together into projects, the highest level of the Ansapoint database. All days within a project share common features such as average call duration, call wrap-up time, service level targets and agent availability.


See also


What is a project?

What is a day?